The Maintenance Workshop Management module from the GoEasy Business Suite helps you manage the entire maintenance process; Receive maintenance from customers, Workshop management, Delivery of maintenance to customers, follow maintenance status ....
GO EASY FIX ERP SYSETM - Maintenance Workshop Management1. Major System Modules
Maintenance Management Module
A quick service screens (POS) which are easy and quick to use, and rich with shortcuts to ease the operation.
Receive maintenance from customers: The name of the device/equipement, its type, the customer’s name, the receipt number, the model, the serial number of the device, the place of repair, contact information of the customer, the customer’s issue, the date of receipt, the delivery date, and the cost of the maintenance process can all be recorded.
Maintenance workshop management: Manage the device/equipment inside the workshop and enter the maintenance status (repaired or rejected or waiting for spare parts). All used spare parts can be listed to be added to the cost and issued from the warehouse automatically.
Delivery maintenance to customers: After completing the maintenance process, you can record all the data about the delivery process to the customer, such as the person who delivered the maintenance, the date of delivery, the maintenance service cost, the grand maintenance cost, and write notes about the maintenance process.
Inquiry about maintenance status: Through this screen, you can inquire about the maintenance status by searching using the receipt number, serial number, mobile number, or customer name.
Maintenance guarantee: When the customer receives a device but there is a problem with it after receiving it from maintenance and returns it again, a maintenance return is added and the device is maintained again without adding any cost, and this is done by searching by the receipt number or the serial number.
The program supports regular printers (Desktop Printer) and thermal printers (Receipt Printer).
A sale receipt can be printed automatically when the sale ends.
Full support for all types of barcode readers.
Chart Of Accounts
The ability to create a chart of accounts with an unlimited number of sub-accounts.
Managing all main and sub-accounts. (Fixed and current assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses….).
All account transactions are directly affected by the transaction of the window in question for them (the customer’s account is directly affected by the sales window and its payments), as the user creates a single document/transaction, affecting the parties concerned with it.
Issuing daily journal entries from one party to another and the reports related to these entries.
Issuing all financial reports (income statement, trial balance, balance sheet, balances, and statements of accounts……..).

Accounts Payable (Vendors/Suppliers)
Issuing invoices for purchase orders, their returns, and supplier payments.
Issuing reports on account statements, items transactions and balances of supplier/s.
Purchase reports in several different ways: by period, by supplier, by item, by type (purchases/returns) or in more than one way together.
The support to issue purchase order from multiple warehouses.
The possibility of merging a customer and supplier account together.
Accounts Receivable (Clients/Customers)
Issuing sales invoices and their returns and customer payments, and issuing reports on account statements and items transactions and balances of customer/s.
Possibility of selling on credit, cash, or installments.
The support to issue sales order from multiple warehouses.
Managing customer installments and warning of overdue installment dates.
Sales reports in several different ways: by period, by customer, by item, by type (sales/returns) or by more than one method together.
The possibility of merging a customer and supplier account together.
The ability to issue price offers and follow up on the status of offers whether they are pending or have been implemented.
The support to create multiple price lists for items and services for different customer categories.

Receivable & Payable Notes (Cheques)
Recording all data on receivable/payable notes.
Managing the collection/disbursement of both receivable and payable notes for all accounts.
Collecting/disbursing both receivable and disbursement notes to a treasury or bank account.
Warning of late maturity securities.
The possibility of endorsing receivable notes to another account.
Moneyboxes (Cash) & Bank Accounts
Multiple Moneyboxes/Bank Accounts with different user privileges to ensure data confidentiality.
Issuing all cash receipts and disbursement vouchers and automatically affecting them in the treasury/bank and the account corresponding to the transaction.
Issuing all reports on treasury balances and transactions.
It is possible to use a mechanism for issuing a request to disburse/receive cash, and cash will not be disbursed or received except after approval from the responsible person.
All treasury/bank account transactions are directly affected by the action of the window in question (the treasury balance is affected by the sales and purchases window……).

2. Inventory Management Module
The possibility of creating more than one warehouse with different user privileges to ensure the confidentiality and security of data.
All warehouses stock are directly affected by the transaction of the window in question (store inventory is affected by the sales and purchases window……).
There are two working machines for customer and supplier accounts:
o The invoice affects the accounts and stores.
o The invoice affects the accounts only, and the issue notice affects the stores. -
Full support for stock with Expiry Date.
Full support for stock Serial Number.
Possibility of transferring between stores.
Evaluating inventory in more than one way (FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average, Fixed Price)
Issuing all warehouse reports (item balances, stock transactions…) in several different ways: by period, by item, by store, by type of transaction, or in more than one way together.
The possibility of issuing a sales invoice, purchases, and disbursement authorization from more than one warehouse together in the same invoice.
The ability to match items actually released from the warehouse via barcode.
The support to create multiple price lists for items for different customer categories
Full support for multiple item measurement units (minor and major units, secondary units)
3. Fixed Assets Module
Recording and coding all short- and long-term fixed assets
Recording all fixed asset transactions (opening balances, purchases, sales, depreciation…)
The program allows the use of fixed assets as cost centers, calculating all expenses and revenues for these assets, and issuing comprehensive reports on all transactions.
Creating more than one location for fixed assets and the ability to move the asset from one location to another.
Reports of all asset movements/transactions: purchase, transfer of the asset from one location to another, depreciation, sale.
Issuing reports on the current values and numbers of assets.
4. Human Resources (HR Module)
Create multiple employee departments with different user privileges to ensure the confidentiality and security of data.
Recording employee data (an unlimited number of employees)
Recording the basic salary for each employee.
Create an infinite number of salary components (incentives, allowances, discounts…)
Insurance and work earnings calculation.
Calculating the total salary for each employee after submitting the salary components.
Employees’ monthly advances are automatically deducted from the total salary submitted for this month.
The ability to record employee absences and overtime.
Manage employee leave requests, approvals, and rejections automatically.
The ability to import attendance and departure data from separate attendance devices to record absence and overtime data automatically.
A Web Portal for employees to request leave requets and inquire about them, as well as salary, payslips and details.

5. Services Management Module
GO EASY ERP SYSETMSA seperate section for service driven enterprises/companies.
Coding and recording all services provided by the enterprise/company, including pricing.
The ability to create a sales statement/invoice for both items and services.
The ability to create a purchase statement/invoice for both items and services.
The services items appears separately from the physical items in the financial statements.
Separate reports for total service sales and transactions.